Monday, March 28, 2011

An Acts Community in this century

A couple of weeks ago we were talking about the parable of the talents at our house church and the challenge of living like first-century church came up. I mulled over the question and asked myself, 'Can that really be done in America today?' The economy during the 'Acts' church was terribly poor. People needed each other just to survive. Can we really live like that here in the US, today? I am not trying to make excuses, but when we live in a country that if you own two cars your are one of the world's top 2.5% wealthiest people, it's hard to imagine what that kind of community would really be like. We live in a country where we are obligated to pay for insurance to cover any accidents, so if we're insured then were' good and we don't need help, right? Where is there room for people to unite in a community that really cared for each other? It's hard for me to believe that we can go from extreme luxury to total sacrifice. I know that this kind of community wouldn't call for us to give all we own away and live on bare necessities, but I do imagine it would entail sharing what we have with others, but to what extent? How can this really happen?