Sunday, November 22, 2009

True Freedom

After almost a year of not writting here Iam again...

Over the last couple of days some situations have occurred that have really tested my trust in friends and family. I have wrestled with it and don't know that I'm any closer to a resolution than I was a day before, but discussing this matter with the involved parties has really made me think about the emotions that stem from dilemmas like these and how to resolve them. Most of them are not good.

Taking a side step... we live in a 'Free' country, but as we see desicions being made for us left and right, it makes me wonder what freedom really is and is it perhaps over-ratted in America. People die for it, yet what is it? To often we seek freedom to mak our own choices, but do we really know what is best for us?

Back t the present... As I sought God in this matter, He reminded me of the discussion of Freedom that I often have at work. He show me what really binds us. It's not government, shakles or masters over us. It's fear, bitterness and hatred that binds us! How often do we go through a day dwelling on any one of those three? Freedom is faith, forgiveness and love.

God help me live in freedom each day of my life!